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GSES India goes to Paris

GSES India goes to Paris

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GSES India recently participated in the 2013 European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) in Paris, France. Hailed as one of the biggest solar PV events in the world, EU PVSEC 2013 gathered expertise from both industry and academia… Read More »GSES India goes to Paris

Multi-Mega-Scale PV Systems

Multi-Mega-Scale PV Systems

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Image from Gujarat Power Commission Ltd. Multi-Mega-scale photovoltaic (PV) projects have been in news for a while but are they really the way to go? We analysed the pros and cons of such centralised solar electricity-generation systems to get some… Read More »Multi-Mega-Scale PV Systems

Solar Training at ANERT

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This month GSES India conducted two days of comprehensive training in the Inspection and Evaluation of Solar PV systems for engineers and officers of the Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology (ANERT).  ANERT is the Nodal Agency for the Ministry of New… Read More »Solar Training at ANERT

Latest REEEP News

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Here is the latest news for the Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP). You can also subscribe to their news yourself to keep abreast of what’s happening in renewables and energy efficiency around the globe. REEEP News, May 2012.